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​Submit Your Pet

Welcome, Kickstarter backer! As part of your reward, you are eligible to submit your adopted pet in an exclusive priority registration. At least one Kickstarter backer will be guaranteed a spot in series two. Without further ado, here is the overview:

1. Any pet that has been adopted from a non-profit shelter or rescue is eligible. It can be a dog, cat, pig, horse, ferret, bird, or *any* other animal from a rescue. We just want to make sure that all Shelter Pets are adopted/rescued from a non-profit organization in order to further the mission of helping shelters around the country.

2. The submission can be for a pet that is still with us or one that has passed on. This entire project was inspired by our dog Chops after he had passed, so feel free to submit a beloved pet that has crossed the rainbow bridge as well.

3. Once we have submissions, our team will choose a group of finalists that will be presented here for voting to determining the next series of Shelter Pets! We are planning on holding open voting in March to coincide with March madness, with at least four Shelter Pets being chosen for series two.

After the winners are voted in, we will begin producing samples with a goal of having series two available by the late Summer/early Fall. The owners of each selected pet will of course receive their own Shelter Pet, and their shelter will receive 10% of net sales for as long as the pet is sold.

Series two of Shelter Pets will be a reality as long as there is demand, so please help us spread the word for the eight adorable pets in series one that are available now.

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